2013년 6월 14일 금요일

ChalDduck pie

vivid description of ChalDduck pie

I store ChalDduck pie in my closet. This delicious pie is wrapped in plastic package which is decorated with picture of a purple flower and a butterfly. The wrapping makes a rustling sound. I can see brown material when I rip off the wrapping.

 This brown material is round. The front surface is uneven and the back surface is even but has irregular shape. To observe in detail, I can find slight cracks on the surface. ChalDduck pie also smells really good. I can smell sweet chocolate's smell. This smell makes me eat ChalDduck pie so I grab it. When I grab it, I feel the chocolate surface of pie is as smooth as a lens cloth. The taste of ChalDduck pie is sweet. I think the pie is sweeter than Winnie the Pooh's honey. However, the pie is not soft. When I bite it, I feel like I eat some jelly but the pie is harder than jelly. Moreover, inside the pie, there is another layer of chocolate and it is still sweet!

In conclusion, the most important fact would be ChalDduck pie is really delicious.

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